Curating Better Meetings

POWER through meeting preparation

Museum curators are responsible for collecting artifacts and the information behind them, caring for the artifacts and the stories behind them. Museum curtors then find a creative way to share the story.

As a meeting facilitator, we too are responsible for collecting and caring for information while finding a way for our meeting attendees to interact with the information, all in service to a purpose and outcome. Key to caring for this information is preparing for the meeting. In doing so there are 5 key items to preparation, captured in the acronym POWER

  • Purpose - Why does this meeting exist?
  • Outcome - What outcome are we working towards?
  • who -who benefits from this meeting and who is necessary
  • Execute -How to execute the meeting to accomplish the outcome?
  • Role -what role do I play in this meeting?

This is a start to coneting a better meeting. To learn more, check out my deck on Curating Better Meetings, which I presented at Cincy Deliver on July 26th, or stay tuned her for more on how to prepare and execute great meetings.